Welcome to Cairo’s Hearth

Cairo’s Hearth is an website specializing in articles that help improve the lives of parrots and their humans! This is a one-woman site founded by Sici and her emotional support animal, Cairo the Cockatiel. They are dedicated to educating and guiding bird owners in an informative yet direct way. The internet is a massive helpful place but can be confusing. Here, Sici conducts the research for you and compresses them into understandable content and guidelines while allowing you the space to do your research and form your own opinion.


About Us! ~ Meet Sici and Cairo

Sici is a bird enthusiast and digital content creator. Growing up, Sici was fascinated with the physiology and psychology of various types of animals. Therefore, she often conducted independent research to fuel her passion for learning about nature's creatures! Through her extensive research, she discovered all the corruption and inhumane practices that commonly occur in the pet industry but are often hidden from the public's eye. Furthermore, she was shocked to learn how oblivious people are regarding pet parrots' neglectful treatments in homes and stores!

Today, Sici has an exceptionally well-trained and cuddly cockatiel parrot named Cairo, who is also the mascot of this site! He is a certified emotional support animal. She uses Cairo's Instagram platform to educate and entertain bird lovers globally. She is devoted to creating engaging educational content and spreading awareness for advocating the proper treatment of birds.

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Thank You All So Much for the 11,000+ Followers on Instagram! @Cairo_thetiel